Chile, Alla Vamos!

It all started as a little hack by Srini and I at the Yahoo! Openhack Event conducted in Bangalore. The hack by itself wasn’t that fancy when compared to the other finalists but we did feel good when our hack got shortlisted for the finals. We wrote a little web app which would index delicious bookmarks and enable Full Text Search on the Content with a neat tagging mechanism.

Meanwhile, applications were open for the second round of StartupChile program. A seed of 40K equity-free USD and an exotic location, sounded rather interesting. We added some new ideas to the original delicious hack, drafted a nice crisp application and applied a few hours before the deadline.

Fast forward a month, We are delighted to announce that Cruns is one of the 154 startups that made it through the 2nd round of the program.

These are still early days, I am all excited, happy, anxious and scared, all the same time. Never have I budgeted for things months in advance. Ever since I passed out of college, I have been living in the relative comfort of working under a great team at Serendio where I began my baby steps as a programmer.

I have to admit, I am finding myself outside my comfort zone all of a sudden. Something which I hope I will adapt to sooner or later. One thing is for sure, Interesting times wait ahead :)

So there, Announcing Cruns; Something which we hope will help you to organize your information better.

Congratulations to the other 153 teams that made it through. Looking forward to meeting you all this January!
